Haxby Town Council
Council Office, The Memorial Hall, The Village, Haxby, York YO32 3HT
Tel: 01904 750378 Email: Clerk@haxbytowncouncil.gov.uk
Minutes of a meeting of the Staffing Committee held on Monday 16th January 2023 in the Oaken Grove Community Centre.
Present: Cllr. G. Cockburn – Chairman
Cllr. I. Carmichael
Cllr. I Craven
Cllr. R. Pearson
Also present: Anne Wilson Locum Town Clerk
Vanessa Voysey Locum Town Clerk
1 Approve reasons for absence
RESOLVED to receive apologies for absence from:
2 Disclosures of interest
RESOLVED to note that there were no disclosures of interests made at this meeting by Members.
3 To approve and ratify the appointment of the new Cemetery Clerk
RESOLVED to note that a new Cemetery Clerk had been appointed on between 7-15 hours per week depending on the volume of work.
4 Resignation and recruitment of staff
RESOLVED to receive and note the resignation of the Groundsman and to discuss recruitment of a replacement member of staff.
Following lengthy discussion and consideration of this matter it was further RESOLVED that Cllr. Ruth Pearson would liaise with the Groundsman concerned and report back to the next meeting of this committee.
5 To agree date of next Staffing Committee meeting
RESOLVED to note that no date was set for the next meeting of this Committee.
Signed …………………………………………… Date …………………………..