08 - Community Assets Committee minutes February 2022


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Minutes of the meeting of the Community Assets Committee held on Monday 21st February 2022 at Oaken Grove Community Centre at 7.45pm.

PRESENT     Cllr N Wyatt                Cllr E Pearson                       

                     Cllr M Guilford             Cllr G Cockburn                                          

Mrs L Winch (Clerk)                                           

Proposed by Cllr E Pearson, seconded by Cllr G Cockburn and resolved that Cllr E Pearson will chair the committee meeting due to the resignation of Cllr Wyatt as Chairman.

  1. Approve reasons for absence

            Proposed by Cllr M Guilford and seconded by Cllr E Pearson and resolved  unanimously to approve the reason for absence for Cllr Shaw.

  1. Disclosures of interest


  1. Minutes of the previous meeting

    Proposed by Cllr M Guilford, seconded by Cllr E Pearson and resolved with  one abstention approve 1 amendment to the minutes.           

    Proposed by Cllr E Pearson, seconded by Cllr M Guilford and resolved unanimously to approve the minutes of the previous committee     meeting  held on the 17th of January 2022.

            Ongoing Business and Progress

  1. Working Group update – Pavilion

            The working group have met, and discussions have taken place with Haxby Juniors and Wigginton and Church Fields group to consider the             possibilities of a wider agreement. A detailed report will be brought back to a future agenda.  

  1. Bus Stops – update

            Cllr E Pearson gave an update from City of York council officers.

            Proposed by Cllr E Pearson, seconded by Cllr M Guilford and resolved unanimously to obtain quotation from 3 companies to understand             costs and option for replacement of 2 shelters (enclosed type where space allows) and delegate authority for the Clerk to write to City of York             council officer, Richard Hampton to explore co-funding for replacements and ward grant for match funding.

  1. Benches – York Road

            Proposed by Cllr M Guilford, seconded by Cllr E Pearson and resolved unanimously to remove the benches from York Road (near Cantilever             bus stop and near the cycle shop and Ethel Ward) which are at the end of their economic life and are dangerous for members of the public to             sit on.

            Replacements will be discussed at the next meeting. 

  1. Notice Board update  

            The Clerk updated the committee. Information have been placed on the notice boards which are to be de-commissioned. Three emails from             members of the public have been received by the Clerk requesting that the notice boards remain.

            Proposed by Cllr M Guilford, seconded by Cllr N Wyatt and resolved with 2 votes for, one against and one abstention to request that an             invitation is extended to the Ward Councillors to work together with Cllr Guilford to restore a notice boards. 

           Proposals for discussion and resolution   

  1. Town Council Office – requests from the Town Clerk

           Proposed by Cllr M Guilford, seconded by Cllr G Cockburn and resolved   with 1 abstention to  approve the removal and disposal of office             furniture surplus to requirements, including 1 meeting room table and 2 filing cabinets.

            Approval was given to seek quotes for the re-decoration of the office and to replace the internal door, to be returned to a future committee             meeting.

  1. Promotional Opportunities

            Bus stops, benches and working together with Ward Councillors.  

  1. To notify the Clerk of any item for future agendas


13.      Next Meeting date 

    The next committee meeting will be held on the 21st of March 2022 at Oaken Grove Community Centre at 7.45pm

Meeting closed at 20.40 hours     



 (These Minutes are displayed ‘unsigned’ and are subject to correction at

  the next Council meeting.)

Created: 16/03/2022 / Last Modified: 12/04/2022 by Louanna Winch