There is a vacancy for a councillor for the east ward of Haxby Town Council which can be filled by co-option.
If you are interested in being a town councillor, please submit your application in writing (email or letter) outlining your suitability to be a town councillor (skills, knowledge, experience etc).
Address: Council office, Memorial Hall, The Village, Haxby, YO32 3HT
To be eligible to apply, you must...
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Click on the following for the November 2024 police report for Haxby. Police report for Haxby - November 2024.pdf
The council's office will close at lunchtime on Monday 23 December 2024 and will re-open on Monday 6 January 2025. Merry Christmas and happy New Year!
This year a number of bus services were changed including the number 13 and 14 along with creation of 1a route, which included the West Nooks location.
Haxby Town Council is a member of York Bus Forum, which holds monthly meetings with its members to discuss the issues around services with the managers from a number of bus companies and representatives from City of York Council.
The bus forum's knowledge and experience has been useful especially regarding the reduction in the...
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Citizens advice:
Phone appointments - First, second & third Wednesday of the month
Contact us to book: Online contact form Or call: 0808 278 7895 (Mon-Thurs 10am-4pm)
E-mail advice - You can get advice via e-mail using our e-mail advice request form
Face-to-face appointments - First, second and third Wednesday of the month - drop in or
Contact us to book: Online contact form Or call 0808 278 7895 (Mon-Thurs...
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Statment of Persons Nominated Haxby and Wigginton Ward 01.pdf
Please report all instances of crime / anti-social behaviour / suspicious behaviour to the police as it affects the level of police resources allocated to our area. You can report crimes via the following: Online: Contact us | ( Tel: 101 (or 999 in an emergency) Crimestoppers: or 0800 555 111
There continues to be some unlawful and/or inconsiderate parking of vehicles on The Village. It has been particularly bad at two points – near the post office / Morrison’s and outside the dentist. Please do not park on the grass and be considerate of others when parking your car/vehicle. Thank you.
Haxby and Wigginton Cemetery Committee (which oversees the management of the cemetery) is considering setting up a 'Friends of Haxby & Wigginton Cemetery' group whereby volunteers can help to make the cemetery the best it can be. If this is something in which you're interested, please contact the cemetery clerk - Jane Grant - email: or tel: 07960 201814.
Oaken Grove Community Centre is run by Haxby & Wigginton Youth & Community Association (registered charity no. 1105675) which aims to actively promote the wellbeing of residents in Haxby, Wigginton and the surrounding area.
Haxby Town Council actively supports the centre with an annual grant of over £12,000.
The friendly and accessible community facilities at the centre are regularly hired by local groups, businesses and individuals. For more infor...
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Haxby Town Council has formally objected to the proposed development of circa 800 houses to the north of Haxby (ref: 23/00160/OUTM). Click on the link below to view the town council's objection letter which has been sent to the Plannnig Department at City of York Council. HTC objection to 23-00160-OUTM.pdf
Earlier this year Haxby Town Council submitted the following objections to City of York Council.
Re: Application 23/00160/OUTM – Land to the South of Rose Cottage Farm and the Lodge, Moor Lane, Haxby. Outline application with all matters reserved except for access for circa 800 dwellings, provision of open space, flood storage measures, landscaping and associated infrastructure.
Haxby Town Council objects to the proposal for the reasons outlined below:
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Parking on the village green – please don’t do it The town council regularly receives complaints from residents regarding vehicles which are parked on grass and/or pavements on the village green. Therefore, please be considerate of others and don’t park your car/van on the green (from the York Road roundabout to North Lane). Thank you, Haxby Town Council
Haxby Town Council jointly operates Haxby and Wigginton Cemetery with Wigginton Parish Council. A joint cemetery committee of councillors from both councils oversees the cemetery’s operation.
Haxby Town Council has resolved to issue a public apology regarding the recent ‘topple testing’ of headstones as it fully appreciates the sensitive nature of this matter.
The cemetery committee has a statutory duty to ensure the cemetery is safe for visitors and as such ...
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