Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Haxby Town Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 134, you are viewing 120 - 129


address 31 Eastfield Avenue Haxby York YO32 3EY
description Two storey side/rear and single storey front extensions following demolition of existing side and rear extensions
area York
start date 23/01/2023
decision Householder Approval - 24/04/2023


address 17 Ashwood Glade Haxby York YO32 3GQ
description Single storey side extensions, single storey rear extensions and rear extension to existing garage to form a storeroom
area York
start date 23/01/2023
decision Householder Approval - 21/03/2023


address 85 York Road Haxby York YO32 3EF
description Single storey rear extension
area York
start date 17/01/2023
decision Householder Approval - 24/03/2023


address 7 Ash Lane Haxby York YO32 3RW
description Two storey side and single storey rear extensions (part retrospective)
area York
start date 16/01/2023
decision Householder Approval - 30/05/2023


address 33 Towthorpe Road York YO32 3LZ
description Change of use from Bed and Breakfast to residential dwelling (use class C3)
area York
start date 29/12/2022
decision Approve - 03/03/2023


address 15 Ploughmans Lane Haxby York YO32 2WR
description Two storey and single storey rear extension
area York
start date 22/12/2022
decision Householder Approval - 03/03/2023


address 134 York Road Haxby York YO32 3EL
description Erection of detached bungalow with associated parking
area York
start date 21/12/2022
decision Refuse - 29/02/2024


address 8 Redwood Drive Haxby York YO32 3GF
description Conditions 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 13 & 14 of 21/02130/FUL
area York
start date 16/12/2022
decision Approve Details - 09/08/2023


address 113 York Road Haxby York YO32 3EW
description Erection of 2no. dwellings and widened access following demolition of dwelling
area York
start date 15/12/2022
decision Approve - 09/02/2023


address Telecommunications Mast York Road Haxby York
description Installation of a replacement 20m streetworks pole and associated antennas and 2no. equipment cabinets after removal of the existing 15m streetworks pole, associated antennas and 3no. equipment cabinets
area York
start date 15/12/2022
decision Refuse - 09/02/2023